APN-1006: Titan Device COMM Baud Rates
APN-1006: Titan Device COMM Baud Rates
This application note addresses the operation and settings related to the baud rate of the RJ45 (COMM) ports on Titan devices.
To facilitate a common system baud rate when USB serial adapters are used on Titan COMM ports, specific baud
rate commands have been implemented in the latest device firmware. In order to use this new capability, Titan
devices should first be updated to current firmware versions.
1. The Titan CPU is not impacted by this change.
2. You can use TCS to confirm the installed firmware version of a given Titan device. Note that
high-speed Mini-Recorder/Pod devices with firmware version 0.29.2 or higher already support
the command that is used to select a common baud rate.
Titan firmware is updated using the Titan Programmer. Please refer to the Titan Programmer User Manual for
information on updating the firmware.
Since the Titan CPU automatically sets the baud rate to 3M, Mars Labs recommends this setting as the common
baud rate for all configurations, regardless of whether a CPU is in use or not.
To set a common baud rate, use the Manual Command function in TCS to configure the Titan devices as follows.
For the DAC:
Connect the DAC via USB to TCS, and apply External Power to the DAC. In TCS, connect to the DAC and select ‘Manual Command’ [F10]. In the Manual Command window, enter the following:
This command will set the default baud rate between the DAC and Pod to 3M.
Sends the command down to the DAC
Disconnect in TCS and cycle the DAC power. The baud rate between the DAC and Pod (POD COMM port) is now set to 3M.
For the POD:
Connect the Pod via USB to TCS. In TCS, connect to the Pod and select ‘Manual Command’ [F10]. In the Manual Command window, enter the following:
This command sets the baud rate for the Mini-Recorder/Pod COMM port to 3M.
Sends the command down to the Pod.
Disconnect in TCS and cycle the Pod power. The baud rate at the Pod COMM port is now set to 3M.
The baud rate change for both devices persists across power cycles.
Note that when the DAC and Pod is set to 3M, TCS must also be set 3000000 (3M) for all tests using these
devices when a USB serial adapter is in use.
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